Self-Care Tips for Working Moms

Mom's self-care tips

Being a mom is a fantastic job, but it brings with it so many responsibilities. Add a career to the mix, and it might seem like there’s not enough of you to go around. (Click here to read about why I love being a mom and running my own business.)

You’re the last person you take care of. It won’t be long before you have nothing left to give to anyone else though. Stress, exhaustion, and hectic schedules can take the joy right out of life.

So what’s a busy mom to do? There are a few things I’ve been trying to do lately to take care of myself so I can keep taking care of my family and my business. These self-care tips are so simple and frugal, it’s just a matter of putting them into practice!

Wake Up Before Your Kids

This might seem counter-intuitive at first because kids wake up early and we want to sleep! However, waking up before your kids lets you start your day your way. The rest of the day, other people will be screaming for your attention, but in the quiet of the morning, you get to choose. I like to make a cup of coffee and read my daily devotion. I usually only have a half hour (max) until the kids are up, but it makes a huge difference.

Put Your Phone Away

The more I use my phone, the more stressed I feel. Yet it’s so difficult to put down. Smart phones have made it too easy for work (and social media) to follow us everywhere we go. It’s tempting to think you can just check your email for a minute while the kids are playing after dinner. Twenty-five minutes later you find yourself scrolling aimlessly through Facebook. Set a self-imposed social media time limit, and put your phone down.

Play With Your Kids

Really, actually play with them. Or if they’re older, do something with them that they’re interested in. My kids are young, and they’re always asking me to play with them. Most of the time, I have to tell them “later.” It seems like we’re either doing school or work at home these days. Spending even twenty minutes playing with your kids is good for them AND for you. It’s different than the time you spend teaching them, feeding them, dressing them, and driving them. Playing together is a time to laugh and explore without any pressure.

Go Outside

self-care tips go outside

It’s amazing how much better some fresh air can make you feel! Sit on the porch, walk your dog, plant a container garden (or go bigger), pull some weeds. Take a breath. If you’re working from home, you might even be able to make phone calls or check email while you’re outside.

Get Some Exercise

self-care tips exercise

I haven’t made time for exercise every single day, but it sure feels good when I do! There are some excellent free (and short) workouts on Betty Rocker’s blog. If you can go for a walk or run outside, even better.

Read a Book

self-care tips reading

Read about something you’re interested in. Preferably not work or parenting related. I like to read interesting and inspiring biographies. I especially enjoy books about real working women who overcame struggles and obstacles to do great things!

Give Yourself a Bedtime

self-care tips sleep

I could stay up all night and still not finish everything on my to-do list. The to-do list will never end. It’s better to get a good night’s rest and get back at it tomorrow! Sleep is crucial to staying healthy in so many ways–here’s a link to an excellent article about the role sleep plays:

“How to Sleep for a Leaner, Longer, Healthier Life”

Getting to sleep at a good time will also help you accomplish the first of the self-care tips (waking up before your kids) so that you can start tomorrow off right!

We all have good days and bad days and sort-of-okay days. We have to take time to each day to make sure we’re filling ourselves with the things that matter. In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

We have to posture ourselves to live the full life He has given us. I hope these self-care tips give you a good start!

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